'use strict';
* Create SVG markers.
* @private
* @param {D3Selection} svg
* @returns {ge.GraphEditor}
ge.GraphEditor.prototype.initMarkers = function initMarkers(svg) {
/*var defs = d3.select('#' + this.options.css.markers).node();
if(defs !== null) {
return this;
/*defs = d3.select('head')
.attr('id', this.options.css.markers)
var defs = svg.append('svg:defs');
.attr('id', 'ge-dragline-end')
.attr('viewBox', '0 -7 12 14')
.attr('refX', '7')
.attr('refY', '0')
.attr('markerWidth', 3.5)
.attr('markerHeight', 3.5)
.attr('orient', 'auto')
.attr('d', 'M0,-5L10,0L0,5Z');
.attr('id', 'ge-dragline-start')
.attr('viewBox', '-5 -5 5 5')
.attr('refX', -2)
.attr('refY', -2)
.attr('markerWidth', 4)
.attr('markerHeight', 4)
.attr('r', 2)
.attr('cx', -2)
.attr('cy', -2);
return this;
* Initialize SVG element.
* @private
* @param {D3Selection} svg
* @this ge.GraphEditor
* @returns {ge.GraphEditor}
ge.GraphEditor.prototype.initSvg = function initSvg(svg) {
svg.attr('id', this.options.id)
.classed(this.options.css.graph, true)
.classed(this.options.css.digraph, this.options.directed);
var g = svg.append('g');
var defsContainer = svg.select('defs'); //g.append('defs');
var linkContainer = g.append('g');
var nodeContainer = g.append('g');
* Graph container element.
* @readonly
* @member {D3Selection}
this.container = g;
* Link text path elements.
* @readonly
* @member {D3Selection}
this.defs = defsContainer.selectAll('.' + this.options.css.textpath);
* Link elements.
* @readonly
* @member {D3Selection}
this.links = linkContainer.selectAll('g');
* Node elements.
* @readonly
* @member {D3Selection}
this.nodes = nodeContainer.selectAll('g');
* 'Drag to link nodes' line.
* @readonly
* @member {D3Selection}
this.dragLine = g.append('path')
.classed(this.options.css.dragline, true)
.classed(this.options.css.hide, true)
.attr('marker-start', 'url(#ge-dragline-start)')
.attr('marker-end', 'url(#ge-dragline-end)')
.attr('d', 'M0,0L0,0');
* Text size calculator.
* @readonly
* @member {ge.TextSize}
this.textSize = new ge.TextSize(
.classed(this.options.css.node, true)
* Graph SVG element.
* @readonly
* @member {D3Selection}
this.svg = svg;
return this;
* Initialize graph data.
* @private
* @param {ImportGraphData} data
* @this ge.GraphEditor
* @returns {ge.GraphEditor}
ge.GraphEditor.prototype.initData = function initData(data) {
* Nodes by ID.
* @readonly
* @member {Object<ID,Node>}
this.nodeById = {};
* Links by ID.
* @readonly
* @member {Object<ID,Link>}
this.linkById = {};
* Graph data.
* @readonly
* @member {GraphData}
this.data = {
nodes: [],
links: []
this.addNodes(data.nodes, true);
this.addLinks(data.links, true);
return this;
* Initialize graph state.
* @private
* @this ge.GraphEditor
* @returns {ge.GraphEditor}
ge.GraphEditor.prototype.initState = function initState() {
* Graph editor state.
* @readonly
* @member {Object}
* @property {boolean} zoomed False if the graph is clicked.
* @property {boolean} dragged False if a node is clicked.
* @property {?D3Simulation} simulation Current simulation object.
* @property {boolean} simulationStarted True if a simulation is started.
* @property {boolean} dragToLink True in 'drag to link nodes' mode.
* @property {?Node} newLinkTarget New link target in 'drag to link nodes' mode.
* @property {?Node} selectedNode Selected node.
* @property {?Link} selectedLink Selected link.
* @property {?Point} dragPos Last drag end position.
* @property {number} zoom Zoom level.
this.state = {
zoomed: false,
dragged: false,
simulation: null,
simulationStarted: false,
dragToLink: false,
newLinkTarget: null,
selectedNode: null,
selectedLink: null,
dragPos: null,
zoom: 1
//sizeScale: 1
return this;