Source code for markovchain.cli.util

import os
import json
import sys
import bz2
from contextlib import contextmanager

    from tqdm import tqdm
except ImportError as err:
    tqdm = None

from import JsonStorage, SqliteStorage
from ..util import extend

JSON = 0

BAR_FORMAT = '{{desc:<{0}.{0}}}{{percentage:3.0f}}%' \
             '|{{bar}}| ' \
             '{{n_fmt:>{1}.{1}}}/{{total_fmt:<{1}.{1}}} '\
             '{{elapsed}}<{{remaining:^5}} {{rate_fmt:>{2}.{2}}}' \
                 .format(BAR_DESC_SIZE, BAR_N_SIZE, BAR_RATE_SIZE)

[docs]class NoProgressBar: """Missing progress bar class. Attributes ---------- warning : `bool` True if a missing progress bar warning was printed. """ warning = False
[docs] @classmethod def print_warning(cls): """Print a missing progress bar warning if it was not printed. """ if not cls.warning: cls.warning = True print('Can\'t create progress bar:', str(TQDM_IMPORT_ERROR), file=sys.stderr)
[docs] def update(self, *args, **kwargs): """Do nothing. """ pass
[docs] def close(self, *args, **kwargs): """Do nothing. """ pass
[docs]def no_tqdm(iterable=None, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Print a missing progress bar warning if it was not printed. Parameters ---------- iterable : `iterable` or `None`, optional Iterable to decorate with a progress bar (default: None). Returns ------- `iterable` or `markovchain.cli.util.NoProgressBar` """ NoProgressBar.print_warning() if iterable is not None: return iterable return NoProgressBar()
if tqdm is None: tqdm = no_tqdm # pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs]def pprint(data, indent=0, end='\n'): """Pretty print JSON data. Parameters ---------- data JSON data. indent : `int`, optional Indent level in characters (default: 0). end : `str`, optional String to print after the data (default: '\\\\n'). """ if isinstance(data, dict): print('{') new_indent = indent + 4 space = ' ' * new_indent keys = list(sorted(data.keys())) for i, k in enumerate(keys): print(space, json.dumps(k), ': ', sep='', end='') pprint(data[k], new_indent, end=',\n' if i < len(keys) - 1 else '\n') print(' ' * indent, '}', sep='', end=end) elif isinstance(data, list): if any(isinstance(x, (dict, list)) for x in data): print('[') new_indent = indent + 4 space = ' ' * new_indent for i, x in enumerate(data): print(space, end='') pprint(x, new_indent, end=',\n' if i < len(data) - 1 else '\n') print(' ' * indent, ']', sep='', end=end) else: print(json.dumps(data), end=end) else: print(json.dumps(data), end=end)
[docs]def load(cls, fname, args): """Load a generator. Parameters ---------- cls : `type` Generator class. fname : `str` Input file path. args : `argparse.Namespace` Command arguments. Returns ------- `cls` """ if args.type == JSON: if fname.endswith('.bz2'): open_ = else: open_ = open if args.progress: print('Loading JSON data...') with open_(fname, 'rt') as fp: storage = JsonStorage.load(fp) else: storage = SqliteStorage.load(fname) if args.settings is not None: extend(storage.settings, args.settings) return cls.from_storage(storage)
[docs]def save(markov, fname, args): """Save a generator. Parameters ---------- markov : `markovchain.Markov` Generator to save. fname : `str` Output file path. args : `argparse.Namespace` Command arguments. """ if isinstance(, JsonStorage): if fname is None: else: if fname.endswith('.bz2'): open_ = else: open_ = open if args.progress: print('Saving JSON data...') with open_(fname, 'wt') as fp: else:
[docs]def save_image(img, fname): """Save an image. Parameters ---------- img : `PIL.Image` Image to save. fname : `str` File path. """ _, ext = os.path.splitext(fname) ext = ext[1:] or 'png' with open(fname, 'wb') as fp:, ext)
[docs]def set_args(args): """Set computed command arguments. Parameters ---------- args : `argparse.Namespace` Command arguments. base : `iterable` of `type` Generator mixins. Raises ------ ValueError If output file is stdout and progress bars are enabled. """ try: if args.output is sys.stdout and args.progress: raise ValueError('args.output is stdout and args.progress') except AttributeError: pass try: fname = '.' + args.type except AttributeError: try: fname = args.state except AttributeError: try: fname = args.output except AttributeError: fname = '.json' if fname is None or fname.endswith('.json') or fname.endswith('.json.bz2'): args.type = JSON else: args.type = SQLITE settings = {} try: if args.settings is not None: settings = json.load(args.settings) args.settings.close() except AttributeError: pass args.settings = settings
[docs]def check_output_format(fmt, nfiles): """Validate file format string. Parameters ---------- fmt : `str` File format string. nfiles : `int` Number of files. Raises ------ ValueError If nfiles < 0 or format string is invalid. """ if nfiles < 0: raise ValueError('Invalid file count: ' + str(nfiles)) if nfiles == 1: return try: fmt % nfiles except TypeError as err: raise ValueError(''.join( ('Invalid file format string: ', fmt, ': ', str(err)) ))
[docs]@contextmanager def infiles(fnames, progress, leave=True): """Get input file paths. Parameters ---------- fnames : `list` of `str` File paths. progress : `bool` Show progress bar. leave : `bool`, optional Leave progress bar (default: True). Returns ------- `generator` of `str` Input file paths. """ if progress: if fnames: fnames = tqdm(fnames, desc='Loading', unit='file', bar_format=BAR_FORMAT, leave=leave, dynamic_ncols=True) else: progress = False yield fnames if progress: fnames.close()
[docs]@contextmanager def outfiles(fmt, nfiles, progress, leave=True): """Get output file paths. Parameters ---------- fmt : `str` File path format string. nfiles : `int` Number of files. progress : `bool` Show progress bars. leave : `bool`, optional Leave progress bar (default: True). Raises ------ ValueError If nfiles <= 0. Returns ------- `generator` of `str` Output file paths. """ if nfiles > 1: fnames = (fmt % i for i in range(nfiles)) elif nfiles == 1: fnames = (fmt,) else: raise ValueError('output file count <= 0') if progress: fnames = tqdm(fnames, total=nfiles, desc='Generating', unit='file', bar_format=BAR_FORMAT, leave=leave, dynamic_ncols=True) yield fnames if progress: fnames.close()
[docs]def cmd_settings(args): """Print generator settings. Parameters ---------- args : `argparse.Namespace` Command arguments. """ if args.type == SQLITE: storage = SqliteStorage else: storage = JsonStorage storage = storage.load(args.state) data = storage.settings try: del data['markov']['nodes'] except KeyError: pass pprint(data)