Source code for

import sys
import json
from collections import deque
from itertools import chain, repeat, tee

from .base import Storage

[docs]class JsonStorage(Storage): """JSON storage. Attributes ---------- nodes : `dict` of `dict` of ([`int`, `str`] or [`list` of `int`, `list` of `str`]) backward : `None` or `dict` of `dict` of ([`int`, `str`] or [`list` of `int`, `list` of `str`]) """
[docs] def __init__(self, nodes=None, backward=None, settings=None): """JSON storage constructor. Parameters ---------- nodes : `dict` of `dict` of ([`int`, `str`] or [`list` of `int`, `list` of `str`]), optional backward : `bool` or `dict` of `dict` of ([`int`, `str`] or [`list` of `int`, `list` of `str`]), optional """ if nodes is None: nodes = {} if backward is None: if settings is not None: if settings.get('storage', {}).get('backward', False): backward = {} else: backward = None elif isinstance(backward, bool): if backward: backward = {} else: backward = None super().__init__(settings) self.nodes = nodes self.backward = backward
def __eq__(self, storage): return (self.nodes == storage.nodes and self.backward == storage.backward and super().__eq__(storage))
[docs] @staticmethod def do_replace_state_separator(data, old, new): """Replace state separator. Parameters ---------- data : `dict` of `dict` of ([`int`, `str`] or [`list` of `int`, `list` of `str`]) Data. old : `str` Old separator. new : `str` New separator. """ for key, dataset in data.items(): data[key] = dict( (k.replace(old, new), v) for k, v in dataset.items() )
[docs] @staticmethod def do_get_dataset(data, key, create=False): """Get a dataset. Parameters ---------- data : `None` or `dict` of `dict` of ([`int`, `str`] or [`list` of `int`, `list` of `str`]) Data. key : `str` Dataset key. create : `bool`, optional Create a dataset if it does not exist. Returns ------- `None` or `dict` of ([`int`, `str`] or [`list` of `int`, `list` of `str`]) """ if data is None: return None try: return data[key] except KeyError: if create: dataset = {} data[key] = dataset return dataset else: raise
[docs] def replace_state_separator(self, old_separator, new_separator): self.do_replace_state_separator( self.nodes, old_separator, new_separator ) if self.backward is not None: self.do_replace_state_separator( self.backward, old_separator, new_separator )
[docs] def get_dataset(self, key, create=False): return ( self.do_get_dataset(self.nodes, key, create), self.do_get_dataset(self.backward, key, create) )
[docs] def get_state(self, state, size): return deque(chain(repeat('', size), state), maxlen=size)
[docs] def get_states(self, dataset, string): dataset = self.get_dataset(dataset)[0] string = string.lower() return [key for key in dataset.keys() if string in key.lower()]
[docs] def do_save(self, fp=None): """Save to file. Parameters ---------- fp : `file` or `str`, optional Output file (default: stdout). """ data = { 'settings': self.settings, 'nodes': self.nodes, 'backward': self.backward } if fp is None: json.dump(data, sys.stdout, ensure_ascii=False) elif isinstance(fp, str): with open(fp, 'w+') as fp2: json.dump(data, fp2, ensure_ascii=False) else: json.dump(data, fp, ensure_ascii=False)
[docs] def close(self): pass
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, fp): if isinstance(fp, str): with open(fp, 'rt') as fp2: data = json.load(fp2) else: data = json.load(fp) return cls(**data)